God has positioned and equipped you to make a difference. It's time to get in the game!
Want to learn how you can get in the game? DISCOVER
will show you some of the foundational aspects of Bridge
Church, while also equipping you with the personal
knowledge you need for your journey ahead. You will
take a spiritual gifts assessment as well as a personality
assessment, allowing you to learn more about how God
has created you. You will then be able to connect with
the amazing Bridge Dream Team, as you continue to
grow in discipleship and relationship with God.
We believe that water baptism is a Jesus-taught principle
that we are to obey and follow. We believe that the purposes
of water baptism include OBEDIENCE to Jesus' teaching,
open profession of faith, and symbolic demonstration of His
death and resurrection in our own lives. We put to death our
former ways and come to true LIFE in Christ. We believe
that this step is intended for those who have received
the saving grace of Jesus Christ through the
new birth of the Holy Spirit.
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This is a place for you to connect with Bridge Church and see everything that we have going on.
What's coming up...
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...