We exist to help people Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference.

We believe in genuine DISCIPLESHIP. We desire to lead

others to JESUS through love and relationship.

Ministry  TEAM

  • Dustin & Jena Thacker

    Pastor & Guest Services Director

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  • Devin & Tarah Thacker

    Pastor & Dream Team Director

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  • Steve & Crystal Thacker

    Founding Pastors & Bridge Kidz Directors

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  • Ryan & Jennifer Andrews

    Life Group Directors

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  • Courtney Capizzi


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  • Jeremiah Sisney

    Production Director

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  • Steve & Cathy Pemberton

    Prayer Team Directors

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Our Beliefs


We believe in the One, eternal God. He is infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes

and purpose, and possessing absolute deity. This One, true God has revealed Himself

as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin. He was crucified for our sins

and physically rose from the grave. Further, we believe that through His life and death

we have deliverance and power.

Holy Spirit  

We believe that the Holy Spirit is active in the world today and that the baptism of the

Holy Spirit, with His accompanying gifts, is the privilege of all believers. We believe that

the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, lives in us.

The Bible  

We believe the Bible is both human and divine, traveling through the history of

humanity but at all times being inspired by God. We accept Scripture as the authority

in all matters of faith and conduct.

The Church  

We believe the Church is all of God's people who have been called according to His

purpose. We are one body made up of many members, created to work in harmony for

the good of God's people and the glory of His name.


We believe that all have sinned and stand in need of redemption, which is obtained

through new birth by faith in Jesus Christ. Those who put their faith in Him receive the

Holy Spirit and become children of God and heirs with Christ.